Friday, 19 February 2016

Lottie's technical File - Braids

Lotties Technical File - Braids!

5 strand -

Overall this was my result of the five strand braid. This braid i felt takes a lot of practise, concentration and patience however once you have mastered the technique creating the 8 and 11 stand plait will be a lot easier to understand. 

Waterfall braid -

I love creating waterfall braids and feel they look so pretty and elegant. To create this hairstyle its just like braiding however you drop a piece down and add a new piece to replace. This braid is very unique with the waterfall effect. 

Lace Braid -

I decided to experiment and do a lace braid for my final braid. I love the way this has came out and feel would look great for a catwalk look as it is something a lot different to what you see on a daily basis. 

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